Goa All India Trinamool Congress (TMC) recently launched a new scheme called Griha Laxmi, which provides assured monthly income support to every household. Under this scheme, a direct transfer of ₹5000 per month (₹60000 yearly) will be made to a woman of every household as guaranteed income support.To be eligible for this scheme the beneficiary that is the woman of the household need to get registered for the Griha Laxmi Scheme by obtaining a Griha Laxmi Card. However, the registration … [Read more...]
How to Remove BIOS password of Computer
Facing difficulties in removing the CMOS or BIOS password from your computer? Exhausted all attempts with imagined passwords? If you're still struggling, we can help you overcome this challenge.But before proceeding with the process to remove bios password of computer, lets understand what is BIOS and why you may need access of it.What Is BIOSBIOS stands for Basic Input/Output System, some people also call it as CMOS. It is a firmware that is embedded on a computer's motherboard. … [Read more...]
How to Delete Windows Old Folder in Windows OS
When you upgrade or update your PC or laptop to a newer version of Windows, the software retains the old copy of the operating system. This old copy is stored in a folder named Windows.old. The purpose of this folder is to allow the user to revert back or downgrade to the previous version of Windows, in case the user wish to do so in the future. It can be accessed by navigating to "C:\Windows.old".However after upgrading to newer version of Windows and testing for a while if you find that … [Read more...]
Kotak Net Banking Registration – KMBL
Internet Banking can make your banking needs easier, as you can initiate any banking task at the comfort of your home 24x7 without visiting the branch. So if you don't have Internet Banking Service activated for your Kotak Mahindra Bank account then here we have explained how to register for Kotak Internet Banking Online without visiting the branch.But before we begin explaining the process, let's find out which all features you can access through Kotak net banking facility.KMBL Net … [Read more...]
Aadhaar Download 🐣 Beginners Guide
Every Indian might be aware of Aadhaar Card but still to make all of you aware let’s define Aadhaar Card in few words. Aadhaar is a 12 digit unique number issued by the Government of India as a proof of Identity. However now a days Aadhaar Card is also been counted as a valid Proof of Address Document.The Aadhaar authority which is UIDAI maintains all the demographic as well biometric data which is captured during the enrollment process. So in future the Government can use the data for … [Read more...]
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